

We are discontinuing competitions on The History Girls, as the same people were entering and winning every month. But you might like to see the answers to a competition we ran a few years ago, with photos of those who were History Girls at the time, when they were aged three!

 "History Girls at Three" competition answers:

 Katherine Langrish,

 Joan Lennon,

Carol Drinkwater,

Catherine Johnson,

Sue Purkiss,

 Katherine Roberts,

 Michelle Lovric,

Louisa Young,

 Eve Edwards (Julia Golding),

Liz Fremantle,

 Elizabeth Chadwick,

 Clare Mulley,

 Mary Hoffman,

 Caroline Lawrence,

 Laurie Graham,

 Kate Lord Brown,

 Tanya Landman,

 Eleanor Updale,

 Imogen Robertson,