
Friday 31 January 2014

January Competition

We have five copies of Katie Grant's Sedition to give away to the five best answers to this question:

'Can you match a novel with a piece of music (doesn't have to be classical) that would reflect the novel's story or mood?'

You can read about Sedition in the post for 29th January.

Just put your answers in the Comments section below. Closing date: 7th February

We are afraid that History Girl competitions are open to UK residents only.


  1. Have you ladies ever considered asking publishers to offer an ebook in these competitions? This way, your readers outside the UK, of whom there must be quite a few, including myself, could enjoy them and participate. And some of them might offer a review of the prize book - win-win! :-)

  2. I love reading old fashioned crime and there is a piece of music from the lord of the rings ( that is light and bouncy from the hobbits bits and I always think of a Miss Marple when I hear it and her bird like wanderings round St Mary Mead!

  3. The recent novel The Other Typist (by Suzanne Rindell) should be read with the 1920's jazz era tune 'The Charleston' playing in the background.

    Set in 1924 prohibition America, this is an account of Rose's increasingly sinister relationship with good time girl & flapper Odalie, the 'other typist' in the police station where they work. The descriptions of speakeasies, with their gallons of gin & frenetic dances,instantly bring to mind music such as 'The Charleston'.

  4. Ronald Binge's The Watermill, and Elgar's Chanson de Matin for 'The Enchanted April' by Elizabeth von Arnim. Which is ironic considering the book's set in Italy, but that's the way my brain works!

  5. Brahms' music is the most romantic of all and his 2nd piano concerto would go superbly with 'Jane Eyre'. The music is full of longing and is beautifully sad - just like the book. Jane Eyre was written first but maybe Brahms was reading it when he composed! (think that's unlikely but hey).


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