
Wednesday 30 April 2014

April Competition

Ann Swinfen is generously offering one of her three recent titles to five Followers who provide the best answers to this question:

"What novel would you recommend to other readers in which a small group fights for their rights against seemingly overwhelming odds"

Write your answers in the Comments section below and don't forget to say which of Ann's titles you would like to win, out of The Testament of Mariam, Flood or The Secret World of Christoval Alvarez.

Competition are open only to UK residents - sorry! Closing date 8th May


  1. To kill a mockingbird. I'd like the Mariam book please.

  2. Perhpas an unusual choice - The Battle for the Villa Fiorita by Rumer Godden - 2 young children fight for their mother.

    I'd like Flood please.

  3. Lord of the Rings Book I: The Fellowship of the Ring. Sorry this isn't too original – I can't think of anything else. But since I really love this book, and it's certainly about a small group fighting against all odds, I'm going for it!
    I'd love The Secret World of Christoval Alvarez. If I don't win it, I'll be buying it anyway!

  4. "Exodus" by Leon Uris. The story of a ragtag group of Holocaust survivors who fought against the British Empire for the right to settle in Palestine. But as a US resident, I'm not eligible for this contest.


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.