
Thursday 30 April 2015

April Competition

To win one of five copies of Kate Forsyth's The Wild Girl, answer the question below in the Comments section:

"What is your favourite re-telling of a fairy tale, whether by Kate Forsyth or another writer in the genre?"

Please also send your answers to: so that I can notify you if you win.

Closing date 7th May

We're sorry our competitions are open to UK residents only


  1. Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier. A version of Beauty and the Beast in her own inimitatable style.

  2. I've got another version of Beauty and the Beast that's my favourite! Robin McKinley's 'Beauty'. So atmospheric and romantic!

  3. My current favourite is Neil Gaiman's 'The Sleeper and the Spindle', which puts a new spin on Sleeping Beauty (and has a nod to Snow White, too), not to mention having some gorgeous artwork by Chris Riddell.

  4. One of my favourite re-telling fairytale is The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black.

  5. It would have to be one of Robin McKinley's; it's difficult to choose which. I really like Deerskin but if I am honest it is Beauty which I go back and reread most.


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