
Friday 5 October 2018

The First Stop Motion Animation - Joan Lennon

Coraline, The Box Trolls, Wallace and Gromit, A Town Called Panic, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! Kubo and the Two Strings, Isle of Dogs, and so many more - stop motion animation films are going from strength to strength in the 21st century.  Where did it all begin?  We have the multi-talented Willis O'Brien to thank, and here is his stop motion film from 1917, The Dinosaur and the Missing Link.  Enjoy!

Joan Lennon's website.
Joan Lennon's blog.
Walking Mountain.


  1. This is awesome! I prefer to watch them with the volume turned down, because I play piano, and that awful plonking background music drives me crazy. Too bad they didn't use classical music...

  2. Really enjoyed that, at the end of a long day of wretched admin. Thank you, Joan.

  3. Loved it, including the grouse!


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