
Friday 31 May 2019

May's Competition

To win a copy of Jacqueline Winspear's The American Agent (see yesterday's guest post) just answer the following question in Comments:

“In the American Agent, Maisie comes to admire the war correspondents living and working in London during the Blitz. Which real-life journalist do you admire the most, and why?”

Then email your answer to me at so I can get in touch with you in you win.

Closing date 7th June

We are sorry our competitions are open only to UK Followers


  1. Boundless admiration for the war reporters of course - Martha Gellhorn and Clare Hollingworth are thre first two that come to mind. When I read this though the person I first thought of was Kate Adie. At one time it seemed that every time a war broke out or there was a dangerous situation Kate was there. I particularly remember her reports of the atrocities in TiananmenSquare.

  2. I have always admired Martin Bell, who believed so strongly about the politics he even went to parliament. He always seemed to be looking at the whys for things, why did this happen, how can we change this, rather than the current sensationalist reporting which makes me want to turn over or even off!


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