A druid's pack discovered in Colchester contains implements for bone setting while the Romans regularly reset bones and built prosthetics - such regular conquest does tend to produce injury. Some of the approaches seem unlikely to be successful: as Cato the Elder wrote in de Agrigultura,160 'Take a green reed four or five feet long and split it down the middle, and let two men hold it to your hips. Begin to chant: "motas uaeta daries dardares astataries dissunapiter" and continue until they meet. Brandish a knife over them, and when the reeds meet so that one touches the other, grasp with the hand and cut right and left. If the pieces are applied to the dislocation or the fracture, it will heal. And none the less chant every day, and, in the case of a dislocation, in this manner, if you wish: "huat haut haut istasis tarsis ardannabou dannaustra."
Resetting bones when powerful muscles contract requires strength as well as power and the village blacksmith apparently often doubled as the bone setter. Complex fractures however would have resulted in the amputation of the affected limb in every century as there was no way of preserving blood flow, which is why I am particularly grateful to one Abramovich Ilizarov who designed a new kind of treatment in the 1950s inspired by the shaft bow of a horse carriage.
Although this looks like an instrument of torture from the middle ages I am assured that it is a very effective treatment for the repairing of complex breaks...
Would like to post a wise comment but am still reeling from the effects of both words and pictures!
I'm wondering whether, from a Christian "pain and retribution" point of view,it was considered wrong to dull the pains of childbirth?
Fascinating. Thank you for an excellent post.
Hmmm - I wonder if the fact that we have more women doctors (ie, those who know about childbirth pain) now will improve research into pain management? And perhaps we should encourage the wives of medical researchers to squeeze their spouse's hands really, really hard when in labour?
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