Sunday 30 June 2019

June Competition

To win a copy of Helen Peters' Anna at War, just answer the following question in the Comment section:

"Towards the end of Anna at War, Anna has a very dramatic encounter with Winston Churchill. If you had the chance to meet any famous historical figure, who would you choose and why?"

Then copy your answers in an email to this address:

Closing date 7th July

We are sorry that our competitions are open to UK Followers only.

Good luck!


Ruan Peat said...

I first read Josephine Tey as a crime writer and came to adore her writing, but I read the Daughter of Time and the whole idea got stuck in my mind, being autistic I know I get fiction and fact mixed up and this was when I realised a book read as fact but was fiction. Due to this, I read more about the history and when I found my class doing Richard the third for English Lit at the end of the 80's and did more history research then, much to my English teacher's annoyance. If I could meet someone historical it would be Richard to ask about the princes, I did like and agree to much of Tey's book but not all and I would love to know did they survive Richard or not?

AnnP said...

William Shakespeare. I'd want to check that he really was the person writing those plays and gently enquire about the Dark Lady.