Monday 31 October 2011

October Competition

More lovely goodies in our October giveaway for answers to the following questions. Leave your answers in the Comments below.

Alas, as always, books can be posted only to UK addresses so only UK entries are eligible.

To win one of five copies of Pauline Francis's Traitor's Kiss (Usborne)

Q: What did Elizabethans celebrate on 17 November with bonfires and bell-ringing?

To win one of five copies of Mary Hooper's Velvet (Bloomsbury)

Q: In Velvet, a regular visitor to Madame Savoya was Lily Langtree, a (real) society beauty and mistress to the future king. In the Sixties a song was inspired by her. What was it and who sang it?

Answers by 7th November, please.


whispering words said...

What did Elizabethans Celebrate on 17 Novemeber with bonfires and bell ringing?

A) They commemorated Elizabeth I asscension to the the throne.

In Velvet, a regular visitor to Madame Savoya was Lily Langtree, a (real) society beauty and mistress to the future king. In the Sixties a song was inspired by her. What was it and who sang it?

A) 'Pictures of Lily' by THE WHO.

none said...

I had no idea about the first question, but did a little googling around and found out it was the date when Elizabeth acceded to the throne. When my mother was alive, she was always fond of saying that the nation celebrated her wedding with bonfires and fireworks (she and my dad were married Nov 4th, lol).

The second question? I have to admit that music is not my area of expertise. Ahem.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Just an entry for Mary Hooper's Velvert...

The answer is "Pictures of Lily" by The Who.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Sorry, my email address is: nixtee [at]

Beth Kemp said...

The song about Lily Langtree was The Who's 'Pictures of Lily'. Thanks!
Beth (@) bethkemp (dot) co (dot) uk

Leah A said...

Hi, my names Leah, and I did have to do a bit of research, but I'm taking history at GCSE, and learning interesting new facts is always intriguing.

Answer to number 1) On the 17th November Elizabethans celebrated Queen Elizabeth's accession to the throne.

Answer to number 2) The song is called Pictures of Lily and was sang by The Who.

Don't you just love 60's music? It's got such an edge, BRILLIANT!

Thanks for the competition. Good luck EVERYONE!!

My email address is

Anonymous said...

1. Accession Day - accession of Queen Elizabeth I to the throne
2. 'Pictures of Lily' by The Who.

Both books look brilliant, thanks for the competition!