Sunday 31 January 2016

January competition

To win one of three copies of Catherine Hokin's Blood and Roses, about Margaret of Anjou,

Give your answer to the following question in the Comments below:

"Which strong woman from the past do you think deserves a re-appraisal?"

Then email your answer to me at this address: so that I can contact you if you win.

Our competitions are open to UK Followers only - sorry!

Closing date 7th February


Anne Tudor said...

Margaret Beaufort gets my vote

Ruan Peat said...

I know she has things written about her but I would love to know more about Cassandra from Troy, to never be listened to but to know the truth must be the worst thing in the world!

Carol Hedges said...

I'd go with Elizabeth Garrett Anderson ..first woman to qualify as a surgeon Then had to work abroad as the medical authorities banned her from working here, and closed the route for other women to qualify.Then founded the first women's hospital

Raymond Smith said...

I live in the USA and sent you an email any way just so my two choices were mentioned.
Boudicca or Boudica depending on your spelling and Hua Mulan.

Alayne Barton said...

Lady Macbeth. I've recently finished Dorothy Dunnett's King Hereafter - that and all I've read since has convinced me that between them Shakespeare and posterity have given Queen Gruoch a raw deal. Time to reclaim her reputation!